Tuesday, December 9, 2008

menjawab tagging from amer....(jh hs jgf what the fish??)

aku menyahut tag dari amer setelah sekian lame beliaw memendam rase..hehehe....
selamat membaca...jeng..jeng..jeng...

01. what is the most important thing in your life ?
i would say oxygen..huhuhuhu....aku tidak mampu hidup tanpamu sayanggg.......

02. what is the last thing you bought with your own money ?
errrr.....dunhill 14...rm6.50...shit..kenapa harfe rokok mahal sangat sekarang????

03. where do you wish to get married ?
uhhmmmm...kat mane ek?? sayang..kite nak kawen kat mane nie..kat rumah abah u ke, abah i??? huhuhuh...

04. how old do you think you will get permanently owned by your lover ?
jodoh pertemuan, ajal maut adalah ketentuan tuhan...ish.ish...

05. are you in love ?
adakah aku dalam cinta???? hmmmmm...????

06. where was the last restaurand you had dinner at?
uhmmm...asyek makan kat rumah jeee....bleh consider ork???

07. name the latest book you bought ?
uhmmm...kali terakhir dalam memori aku adalah.....LINGUISTIC FOR ENGLISH LANGUANGE TEACHERS...addoooooiiiiii....mahal tapi kurang berguna..huhuhu..

08. what is your full name?
kubiey kentang bersalut tepung.........uhmmmm...

09. do you prefer mother or father?
anak yang soleh mentaati kedua ibu bapa tanpa prejudis selagi tidak menyalahi syarak...

10. name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time..
ntah laaaa...new faces everyday.....

11. christina or britney?
siti nurhaliza....feeewwwiiiiitttttt...

12. do you do your own laundry?
yahhh....bibik tukang basuh pakaianku....huhuhu..tq.tq..

13. the most exciting place you want to go ?
uhmmmmm.......makkah,,,hehehehe.....kemudian.....bazarkh......planet namect....etc..

14. hugs or kisses ?
kene pilih ke?? dua2 bleh??..hehehe.

15. point out five things about the person who tagged you..
name beliaw amer..
die membe aizat..
die coomel..
perangai bleh tahan gampang....
tapi belaiw mmg best....

16. eight things i’m passionate about..
1. rugby
2. phone
3. uhm...study????
4. nombor lapan...
5. hitam...
6. winston light 14....
7. dan lain2...

17. eight books i have read recently
1. uhmmmm....tak bace buku pown...sekarang kan cutiey....huhuhu...

18. eight songs i’ve been listening over and over again
1. UiTM di Hatiku...
2. IIUM student's song....
3. cela by boneca....
4. tak bisa memilihmu by deria ke enam..
5. fall for you by secondhand saranade...
6. lagu kat radio....
7. lagu dalam laptop aku...
8. lain2....hehehee...

19. eight things i learned this year
1. buat drop kick dengan penoh gaye..
2.side step macam shariman selaloo buat..huhuhu..
3. gune Swish Max...
4. main bowling....
5. errr..buat lesson plan...W.T.F.!!!
6. buat blog mengarot nie...
7. nyanyi lagu IIUM...
8. alasan utkl ponteng class Dr. Suhailah..hehehe

20. eight people you tag..

haaa...tyang nie aku lemah..uhmmmsape2 je laaa yang ade dalam list aku nie....pandai2 laa kamoo semua..huhuhu...

1 comment:

aiMo0o said...

pakcik ini sgt kreatif dlm mnjawab soklan..bagus2..
tapi sakit ati je bace..huhu...
sume soklan die manupulate...
adoi yai...