Wednesday, November 19, 2008

hari2 yang..ntah laaa...

i might be saying that today is the worst day of my life tired of jalan2 on my motor....ok.. let's start..

i woke up at almost 12 noon...was at aizat's place last nite with anas (kat rumah orang pown bangun lambat macam rumah sendiri..hehehe..).......we watched a life rugby match on ASSP kowt...the ALL BLACKS vs team ape ntah..but it was veryyyyyy FUN..huhuhu....macam biase laaa..ALL BLACKS menang...feeewwiiitttt......

uhmm..then...lepaked for another few hours kat rumah aizat before me and anas decided to balik...taken my lunch at anas' woo...tempoyak and petai..hehehe..first time aku makan petai dengan berjaye.....huhuhu..

then we went to pantai ape ntah..lepak2..hisap rokok..fuuhhhh..nikmat duniawi..hehehe...the pantai was really cantik has been quite while since i last prgi laaaa....damai....memanggil kerinduan yang hilang...hmmmmm....

balik rumah around 6 after lepak jap kat rumah nat..hehehe...ade, lepak laa jap..lame da x lepak bersame..hehehe...sam[ai rumah da almost 7....tertido......

terjage apabila dapat col from umair kate enass nak bagi fail kalo x anta assignment..shoot..baru teringat kene antar....uhmm..actually da natar dulu, tapi enass claim cd kami die suruh anta by email.......

problem adalah..laptop xde kat i need to rush to UMP nak amek laptop..wakakaka....da la hujan..nasib baik aku drive...fuhh..kalo tak...ish2.....

sekarang..da antar emel kepada enass..harap2 sampai laa kat beliaw....huhuhuh...

1 comment:

:: aMeR sAmA :: said...


oleh kerane kaw telah mencuri lirik secaondhand serenade aku...

jd utk lebih mnggembirakn kaw aku telah menge tag kaw...

so sile rujuk utk keterangan lanjut hahah